Tips For Keeping Your House Tidy Always

So are you wondering how to keep the house tidy always? Well, take it from a mum of three boys I thought a neat house for a mum boys was just only a dream far far way. But one fine day, I got reading on the internet about how to keep my house clean despite my little monsters. And there were some tips. Some tips that actually worked! And now I plan on sharing those excellent tips with you!


You need to first and foremost instruct and give them information about how they should behave when keeping the house neat and tidy always with the right piece of furniture. Giving them the required information will make them understand what is expected of each and every one of them. By knowing what is expected of them, they will be able to do what they are asked to do. It always best to keep them informed of all the house rules. Make sure that you give them all the rules and tell them that you expect them to follow each and every rule of that.

Practice What You Preach

This is the most vital factor. As we know children copy their elders in almost anything. The way we behave and how we react to certain actions are always being observed by them. Which is why it is very important that we follow all the house rules that we have set. Only if you follow the rules will the kids follow the rules. If you expect the kids to sit in a bench seat in Melbourne, you should ensure that all of them kids sit on it. Any rule in the household should be common to all.

Punish / RewardYou should also make it a point to reward good behavior and punish bad. Here too the reward or punishment should be based on the severity of the action. When you punish / reward them they tend to follow the rules. If the kids are expected to keep their school bags after school on the side tables, those who do it should be given a reward. By punishing them you are ensuring that they won’t repeat the same action in the future.

Involve the KidsIf you want to keep your home neat and tidy, you will have to involve the kids. Even though the kids cannot actually finish the cleaning job very well, when you delegate them with some work they will be more than happy to do it for you. Because they see it as kind of recognition and a source of respect to them from us.

Be sure try these tips with your kids too and see if they work!